the basics

Do you Travel?

I am definitely open to traveling outside the Boston area!

How do we book you?

Send me a message on the contact page about what you're looking for, when, and where etc and I will contact you as soon as possible to see if we can work out a shoot.

How far out do you book?

The sweet spot for planning a shoot, on my end, is between 60 and 90 days in advance. If your ideal date is coming up fast, let's talk and see if we can make it happen. You are welcome to request a shoot 12 months in advance.

What's your cost?

After you reached out and I've got a good understanding about what you're after, I can create a couple package options for you. Roughly, my base starts at $350 and is about $200 hourly after that.

How do we get our photos?

You will receive a link and a PIN to view your collection on my website. From there, you can download which ever photos you'd like.

How many photos do we get?

I want to deliver as many of the shots I take as possible. This is dependent on a few variables, the biggest one being how many rolls of film I shoot. Each roll will cost me to buy and develop, so that will be reflected in the price we agree on. Historically, I deliver about two thirds of what I shoot.

Whats your turn around time?

I drop off rolls to be developed the first chance I get after our shoot. As soon as they are delivered to me, I get working on creating your collection. This whole process takes an average of 10 days. There are variables, but your collection is my priority once it's in my hands.

Can you help us with planning?

I'd be more than happy to help you plan whatever you need!

What should we do for an engagement session?

Let's do something that feels like you, as a couple! Brainstorm ideas, locations, objects, activities etc that represent you and we can play around with them together if you'd like creative support.

What should we wear?

This is completely dependent on a thousand variables-- your personal style, season, weather, location, terrain, length of shoot. What story are we telling? Let's brainstorm together, if you'd like!

Are you queer inclusive?

Let's continue building a world where we don't have to include this question. I celebrate and want to work with all types of identities! ♥